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Portal to the Base Chakra

Portal to the Base Chakra

September 2024

My feet sense the earth beneath me  -  my skin caresses her skin

I feel the vibrations that move between us

The Paperbark Trees gather around me, in circle

Ancient ones from this sacred land, kindred spirits

I sense their wisdom, their bond and the strength they hold as they stand firmly in their place

Their stories whisper to me,

The words from the peeling bark of their trunks float through the air into my awareness

My eyes soften and I begin to deepen my breath

I see the luminescent pool of my heart appear in front of me

I merge with it’s liquid as I begin my descent, weaving downward through the other chakras to my base

I am the foundation of all the chakras above me.

Without me, you have no structure upon which to build

No trunk, no branches, no leaves, no flowers, no future seed

I hold the doorway to connect to the Earth, the Mother, Creator of all

I wrap my arms around one of these ancient beauties, feeling the strength in her base,

I connect to this denser, heavier energy contained within me

The pull of gravity, like a magnet draws me to the ground,

Skin to skin – I lay covered in a warm blanket of love.

I feel myself release what is no longer needed into her,

That tight ball of anxious energy contained within me is dispersed and my vitality increases

I connect into the power source that she is

Magnificent, energetic, wise, nurturing, soothing, silent, and so much more

I am in the present moment,

When I connect to the earth  -  I return home, I feel safe and secure

Held in her arms, my whole nervous system begins to relax

In this place of union where our energies exchange - We give and receive to one another

By merging my roots with her I see I am unified with all others

Carried on the super highways of mycelium that lace beneath us

My body is my temple, containing the sacred waters of life

When I make peace with my body I can be at peace in my body

And so I am reminded to care for myself, to rest when I need it

Exercise, to give my body pleasure, healthy food, establish a strong foundation

To connect with the Earth, is to connect to me

I draw strength from her, She is my rock

I bring structure to your body and to your life

I sense my own structure, covered by my skin, like the bark of this tree

Whose roots reach out into the vastness of the earth below and

Whose trunk stretches up and out into the cosmos

So many have forgotten to touch her skin with their own

To know the healing that this brings when we build relationship with her

How it strengthens our base and in turn all that rises above that

Without this we lose our centre, our ability to contain and to hold

I help to clarify ideas, so they become matter, something tangible

Otherwise they are just limitless thoughts floating in the ethers, without substance

It is through the earth that our ideas are selected and made manifest

Just as I have been incarnated into this world through her

I have and will continue to build my relationship by connecting and caring for her,

Until my cycle completes and I am called back to this land

Then I shall lay down in silence to rest in her arms forever, our Great Mother.


 Our Base Chakra Oil and Mantra Card.







Our Base Chakra Oil and Mantra Card


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